Canva is used to design logos, posters, social media posts and also animated videos.
It can be used as a free tool and also has a paid version with additional features.

Canva has millions of graphics elements to choose from.
There are also many types of fonts you can work with in Canva.
Whether you want to design posts for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube thumbnail, or any animated video, Canva is a great tool to use.
You can also work with your team members on a design at the same time with collaboration features.
You can also share your images and videos with cloud sharing sites like Dropbox, Google drive and also social media sites.
You can export your designs in JPG, PNG, PDF and also in MP4 for animated videos.
You can use Canva on desktop computers, smartphones and tablets.
Hope you will also use Canva in your daily life to increase your productivity.
Bye 🫂