Some people waste all their day doing unnecessary tasks. Like you may use social media sites all day. Some people play video games and waste their time without doing any productive tasks.
I myself wasted my time in using social media sites all day.
For last week I am following a Todo list task and consuming my time effectively.

Some of the lessons I learned in planning my day are:
1. Wake up early in the morning
I noted that when you Wake up early in the morning then your whole day will be spent nicely. Try to sleep early at night. After you wake up make your Todo list. It only takes 5 to 10 minutes to plan your day.
2. Don’t get discouraged
Some days you may get discouraged that you were unable to follow Todo list tasks. This is normal. Try to plan your next day. If you lose hope then your upcoming days will be also unproductive. The past time is gone and be ready to make your future.
3. Don’t miss your prayers
When you are a consistent prayer then you will not be attracted towards bad things. For example namaz will make you punctual. You will dedicate your fixed amount of time to your namaz. I noted that when I start praying I become more focused on my work.
4. Doing exercise
I regularly do morning and evening walks. This makes me active all day. In the morning you will enjoy a peaceful walk. It’s winter now and I feel cold while walking in the morning and it will also boost your energy level. I do morning walk before taking breakfast.
5. Buy a dairy
In December I bought an Year dairy in which I list down my tasks I did that day. I have another diary in which I list down my yearly and monthly tasks that I have to do. I also plan my daily tasks before starting my day. It is best to plan your day in physical dairy.
6. Note down all tasks
Take your time to note down all the tasks you want to do. Then start doing the tasks. Some tasks you will complete and some tasks you may do in upcoming days. Make your monthly plan and list down the major tasks you want to do in that month. Then while making daily tasks, you have to put the monthly tasks in your plan. You can do little by little each day and at the end of the month you will complete most of your monthly tasks. If for any reason some tasks are not complete then add those tasks next month.
7. Make some time to your family
Life without family is very hard. If you do your work all day then you get bored or tired. The best way is to spend some time with your family. Chat with your family about anything you like. This will make you happy and it also makes a strong relationship with your family.
Have a good day 😊
Bye 🫂