Its nice to meet you.
Hope all things are right for you.
Today my topic is that how you can make your wordpress website load faster in mobile, tablet and PC.
Its important to note that website is composed of many scripts.
Each script helps website to function correctly.
WordPress is a popular content management system that is used by many websites nowadays.
It consists of plugins and themes.
Plugin helps website to add additional functionality to your blog.
While themes gives beautiful look to your site.
Please follow below steps to make your website load faster in web browser:-
- Choose the hosting which has good name in the market.
- Only install plugins that are necessary for your website. I mean to say that don’t use heavy and big plugins. Make your website simple.
- Select the theme which is light weight. I mean only install theme which gives basic functionality to your website.
- If you are building an eccommerce website then the cost of hosting will increase. So you have to catle this in mind that blogging is all about good investment. You can make simple website using low cost hosting. But for better performance and user interactivity you have to choose good hosting provider.
- If your website purpose is only blogging then I suggest you to use normal hosting packages.
- Don’t install third party plugins that are not available in wordpress plugins official website.
- If you need to install plugin that is not available in wordpress official website then always go through plugin website which has good authority on the internet. For example, you can purchase your required plugin from themeforest website.
- Most of time theme that you want for your website is not available on wordpress official website. So in this case I suggest you to purchase theme from themeforest website.
- For learning purposes you can install third party plugins for testing. If the plugin you install is giving you good result then you can buy the plugin.
- There are many vendors (Sellers) who give you discount on plugins and themes. So you have to search that plugin and theme providers in your local market.
Hope this little article helps you in making your blog/website/eccommerce store load fast.
Thanks very much for reading my blog post.
Have a nice day.
Good bye.