Everyone gets his thoughts that they don’t want in their lives but it’s natural.

As a Muslim we know that we have to follow Islamic rules in our lives.
But this is a very difficult task because of social media, the internet and other resources that we use in our daily life.
You have to live in this modern era of life. We cannot cut ourselves from society.
Suppose you want to follow 100% rules of Islam in your daily life.
You say that it is Haram to see other female pictures and videos.
If you use the internet and you have no other way to pass time in your home. You cannot live without the internet.
If you open the internet then there is no website without girls pictures.
So we have to compromise with some facts. If you want to live then you can use the internet as much as you can.
There are many useful resources on the internet. For example we see beautiful places, some funny jokes, poetry, stories, Islamic facts and many other things.
If you pray five times a day and before sleeping you can ask Allah to forgive your sins you have done this day then Allah is very merciful with his creatures.