Today the moon is not visible in Pakistan, so 1st Roza will be on 2nd march, 2025.
Ramadan is the special month in Islam that teaches us about how to control ourselves from wrong habits. We become conscious about the needy people and we can feel the hardness of people around us.
In other months of the year we can eat whatever we want without time limitation. But in this month of Ramadan Allah will test us for our patience.
Muhammad pbuh spent most of his life in patience. He always obeys Allah and he always helps other people. Allah teaches us to have good relationships with other Muslims and non Muslims.
We have to give as much sadakah as we can in this month. In this month we will feel how much is the value of food is in our life. Allah has given us so many blessings that we cannot regret it.
Some of the things we can do in Ramadan are:-
- Never miss your prayers
- Recite Quran
- Do sadakah
- Do Charity
- Set alarm for sehreeh (sahoor)
- Invite relatives and friends for Iftar gathering
- Obey your parents and avoid harsh words this month
Allah loves all Muslims and he does not burden us that we cannot survive. This is a testing month and if we do all Ibadah in this month then we come near to Allah. We start valuing Allah’s blessings and we start loving our Muslim brothers and sisters. May Allah give us spirit to spend our Ramadan with high spirits and do Shukar and spread peace in our society.