I have been writing to-do lists for the last few years. Some steps you can do to write better to-do lists are:-
- Don’t write too many tasks in the to-do list. Write up to 5 tasks that you can complete easily. If you do many tasks then you cannot concentrate on one task. Your mind will not absorb many tasks at a time. So it is better to make a to-do list that is easy to accomplish.
- Write important tasks first and non important tasks below the list.
- It is better to write to-do list tasks on physical paper but if you are a Traveller then you can also use a digital app to note down your tasks.
- If you miss any tasks then list those uncompleted tasks the next day.
- Try to start your every day with a to-do list. If you miss any tasks then don’t get discouraged and try to again reschedule those tasks the next day.
The best way to consume your time is by planning your day. To plan your day is to make a habit of making to-do lists every day. Write important tasks every day that will make you organized all day.